About Us

The company origins started in August of 2004 when Alidade Maintenance, Engineering and Reliability, Inc. was formed. Our company was founded by Tom Moriarty, PE, CMRP, a retired U.S. Coast Guard officer. Having a Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering, Professional Engineer license, and an MBA, and a number of professional certifications, Tom’s education and experience led to Alidade MER being a very successful venture. In 2020, Tom also wrote and published a book on leadership, called The Productive Leadership System; Maximizing Organizational Reliability.

Alidade MER focused on consulting in the maintenance management and reliability engineering area. Our clients were predominantly those with extensive physical assets. These included organizations such as Exxon Mobil, Koch Pipeline, Canaveral Port Authority, Gulfstream Aerospace, The Wonderful Company, Prairie Packaging, University of Michigan, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and many other capital intensive organizations.

In 2010, Tom Moriarty was asked to provide due diligence on a new technology on behalf of a former shipmate and local business person. Tom spent a day with the entrepreneur that developed and commercialized the first portable hydroxyl radical generators. With an understanding of how the technology worked, Tom requested a site visit to a location where the technology had been deployed. After witnessing the technology in action and talking with managers and workforce personnel Tom was convinced that the technology worked, and was highly impressed with its effectiveness.

Tom Moriarty
Leveraging relationships from the consulting business, Tom began working with current and future customers in food & beverage, pharmaceutical, wastewater and other industries. One example was a major brewery. Working with the brewery filling line managers and staff we were able to test and eventually implement a multi-million dollar installation of hydroxyl radical equipment. The project had a payback period of less than three months.

In late 2023, Tom and a business partner bought some hydroxyl radical generator equipment and began offering odor removal services to local real estate professionals, property managers and home owners. Customers kept asking if they could buy equipment. As business grew throughout 2024, we signed a partnership agreement with The Pyure® Company to be their Florida representative for portable equipment. We can also be involved with permanently installed controlled solutions to treat buildings. .

As business continued to grow, it became apparent that there was some market confusion between our legacy business, Alidade MER, and our new venture into hydroxyl radical rentals, sales and service. Awen Natural Air was officially launched in January 2025. Awen is as a DBA subsidiary of Alidade MER, owned and operated by Tom Moriarty, PE, MBA, CMRP.

Awen Natural Air is now your Florida source of Pyure Dynamic Protection® equipment.

What is Awen?
The Awen is a fascinating and ancient emblem that has been used by various cultures throughout history. While some interpret it as a representation of nature, the symbol’s meaning is much broader than that.

In Celtic mythology, the Awen symbol represents the flow of divine inspiration or creativity, which is often associated with nature. The three rays of light represent the harmony between the three elements of the universe: earth, sky, and sea.

The Awen symbol is also associated with the concept of transformation, as it represents the balance and interconnectedness of all things in the universe. It serves as a reminder that everything in nature is constantly changing and evolving, and that we should strive to live in harmony with the natural world around us.

As such we are tied to the harmony between earth, sky and water. The earth provides VOCs, the sky provides the UV energy and the intermixing of hydroxyls, VOCs and organic oxidants. Water of course provides the water vapor.

We strive for harmony with the natural world around us by replicating the natural outdoor process indoors. Eliminating bacteria, virus and mold, and destroying odor and harmful chemicals within air and on surfaces improves human and animal health.

Awen Natural Air logo